Deliberate failure to comply with Court Orders is an increasingly common feature of litigation. While the Courts are typically prepared to provide litigants, particularly those who are self-represented, with a generous amount of latitude, significant sanctions will be imposed when a litigant refuses to comply with their court-ordered obligations. Those …
Help! My Ex Is a Narcissist
Narcissist Personality Disorder is a mental condition where people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships and a lack of empathy. Characteristics of narcissists and symptoms can vary drastically. While most people are not formally diagnosed with Narcissist Personality …
Adultery and Cheating – Divorce in Alberta
Adultery and unfaithfulness continue to seem to be one of the leading causes for separations in Alberta. While it is often the cause for a separation or divorce, and emotions will often be very high, many are surprised to learn it typically will not have a significant impact on the …
Top 8 Ways to Waste Money on a Divorce Lawyer
The journey toward finalizing a divorce can be a treacherous one. The smart move is to have a qualified lawyer at your side as you work your way through all of the issues that can come with the end of your marriage. Either way, it won’t be easy. But here …
High Conflict Divorce & Family Law
The legal and judicial systems in Alberta have admirably evolved in encouraging parties to choose Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) forums such as Mediation, Arbitration, Collaborative Law and variations thereof. Ideally, any couple headed toward divorce will mutually opt for one of these paths of least resistance. They will attempt to …