Child Support Lawyer in Calgary

Caring For The Financial Needs Of Children

Following separation or divorce, parents must continue to contribute to the care of their children. Although most parents are committed to meeting their financial obligations, there is often disagreement about payment amounts and schedules. While basic child support is established as a matter of law, many special and extraordinary expenses may be negotiated.

When you need information about child support, the child support lawyers at Kirk Montoute Dawson LLP in Calgary can advise you. Schedule a consultation at our firm to talk with us today. We will work with you to negotiate an arrangement that meets your children's needs and is consistent with an appropriate allocation of special expense obligations between you and your co-parent.

Calgary Child Support Lawyers

Legal Guidelines For Child Support

Calculating basic child support payments is determined by Section 3 of the Federal Child Support Guidelines. Basic child support payments are based on the paying parent's income and the number of children he or she must support. A court can order a different amount if the paying parent's income is more than $150,000. When the non-primary parent cares for the children more than 40 percent of the time, his or her payment obligations may be reduced. Parents who are required to pay child support should be aware of the guidelines outlined in the Federal Child Support Guidelines.

In addition to basic child support, parents should share expenses for special and extraordinary expenses incurred on behalf of the child.

According to Section 7 of the child support guidelines, these may include:

Uninsured medical expenses
Medical and dental insurance premiums
Physical therapy
Psychological counselling
Educational expenses
Extracurricular activities

We Can Help

Many couples choose to establish a child support agreement through negotiation instead of going to court. At Kirk Montoute Dawson LLP, our child support lawyers can represent you in an out-of-court process, such as mediation, to negotiate child support. Child support is one of many important issues addressed in a separation agreement before the finalization of divorce.

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Child Support Lawyers: Serving Calgary and Area

If you need a child support lawyer Calgary residents trust, contact us today. Call our Alberta firm toll free at 877-563-5295, or reach our Calgary office at 403-233-9300.

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