Calgary Mediators

Creating Solutions and Achieving Consensus

Many people feel going to court is their best option to resolve a personal dispute. When that dispute impacts your family, however, choosing a process that involves you as a full participant is often preferred. Family mediation is a consensus-driven process that allows parties to create long-lasting, effective solutions.

Kirk Montoute Dawson LLP is a firm of lawyers and trained mediators. Our services are twofold: We act as neutral, third-party facilitators, helping people reach agreements, and we represent clients in mediation, where our role is to advance their interests. Mediation is a cost-effective, satisfying process that achieves positive results for many people.

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Benefits Of Mediation

Compared to litigation, mediation has many tangible benefits, particularly for family law disputes. Participants take an active role in reaching agreement. As a result, they are generally happier with the solution and better able to adhere to the terms of that agreement. Mediation allows for flexibility regarding potential solutions and the discussion of key issues that lead to those solutions. On the other hand, litigants are constrained by the complex and time-consuming Alberta Rules of Court and the formal rules of evidence, which can limit open communication.

An effective mediator can also counteract power imbalances between participants. In mediation, steps should be taken to ensure all voices are heard and considered. At Kirk Montoute Dawson LLP, we are committed to pursuing alternative forms of dispute resolution, both as facilitators and legal counsel. When mediation participants cannot reach an agreement, we may recommend arbitration or settlement discussions to conclude the dispute.

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Trained Mediators: Serving Calgary and Area

Participants in mediation may be self-represented or can utilize the advice of independent counsel. All participants in mediation are expected to approach the process in good faith and commit to full disclosure of vital information, such as sources of income and the location and value of financial assets.

To speak with one of our mediation lawyers in Calgary, Alberta, call us toll free at 877-563-5295. In Calgary, call 403-233-9300 or contact us online to book an appointment.

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