Learning from celeb divorces

On behalf of Kirk Montoute Dawson LLP posted in High Asset Divorce on Sunday, October 6, 2013.

Whether it’s Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, Elizabeth Taylor and any number of her spouses or Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries, celebrity divorces get the attention of much of the public, including the Calgary audience. When a high profile couple decides to split, it can be surprising, especially when the couple has been together for a long time and seemed to defy the odds. Fortunately, non-celebrities often get to learn the lessons of celebrity marriages and divorces without having to undertake the process themselves, due to the public nature of celeb divorces.

The first lesson to learn is the importance of discussing marriage and expectations before the marriage occurs in the first place. Two different spouses may have entirely opposite ideas about key components of their relationship, such as where they will live after marriage, whether or not to have children and how to handle finances. Much of this information can be hammered out in a prenuptial agreement or premarital counseling.

Another key lesson from celebrities is to act in a reasonable and kind manner. In many celebrity divorce cases, the celebrities’ dirty laundry is aired for all the world to see. They may make allegations about the other spouse, including claims of adultery or poor parenting skills. In many cases, the divorce case may be drawn out for months or years as the spouses continue to argue over children, property, alimony and other matters. However, taking these actions may be more costly to the couple, both financially and emotionally.

A final lesson from celebrity divorce cases is the need to hire a lawyer who is skilled in divorces. A Calgary family law lawyer may be able to provide advice to clients regarding how to protect their financial and legal interests and how to make it through a divorce.

Source: Yahoo, “What we can learn from celebrity divorces”, Flannery Dean, October 02, 2013

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