Can the family law process make divorce affordable?

On behalf of Gary Kirk of Kirk Montoute Dawson LLP posted in Family Law on Thursday, December 15, 2016. The group of Canadians referred to by the term “millennials” are re-writing the book on marriage and partnerships. Many are choosing to wed much later in life than was common in …

Family law process should consider grandparents desires

On behalf of Gary Kirk of Kirk Montoute Dawson LLP posted in Family Law on Monday, December 12, 2016. Many Alberta families are fortunate enough to include grandparents in their lives. However, sometimes those same grandparents are excluded from divorce proceedings, potentially to their detriment, and that of the children. …

Planning ahead with family law

On behalf of Gary Kirk of Kirk Montoute Dawson LLP posted in Family Law on Friday, December 9, 2016. At the outset of a long-term relationship few people are thinking about one day getting a divorce. From a practical standpoint, however, that may be the best time to begin making …

Dad commits fraud to make child support payments

On behalf of Gary Kirk of Kirk Montoute Dawson LLP posted in Family Law on Monday, October 10, 2016. When a relationship ends, both parents are responsible for the financial well-being of any children they had together. To ensure their financial well-being, child support payments are mandated by both federal …