After Divorce Estate Planning Lawyer
Estate Planning After Divorce in Alberta
Divorce is one of the main events that can happen in your life that should cause you to update your estate plan. Your old will and other documents are not automatically cancelled following a marriage breakdown. At Kirk Montoute Dawson LLP, our Calgary divorce and estate lawyers help individuals throughout Alberta update their plans after going through the divorce process.
Schedule a consultation with an after divorce estate planning lawyer at our Calgary office online or call our experienced lawyers at 403-233-9300. We will examine your plan and explain all of the options you have available for updating your will or drafting new estate planning documents.

Helping You Establish Estate Plans After Your Divorce
Whether your divorce was complex and involved a lot of conflict, or was an uncontested divorce with no need for litigation, your estate plan could still benefit from an update. From changing beneficiaries on retirement accounts and life insurance policies to removing your ex-spouse from certain roles in your plan, our property division lawyers in Calgary can help guide you through all your family and estate law matters.
You may also have certain requirements to fulfil in your divorce agreement, such as child support and spousal support. We can analyze your entire situation and help you create a brand-new estate plan that will meet all of your needs while still protecting your children and your assets.
Estate Planning for Second and Third Marriages
Whether you have been divorced once or multiple times, estate planning can play a critical role in your future and the future of your children. This is especially true if you remarry. When it comes to divorce in Alberta, the laws do not automatically ensure that all of your assets will get to your children. In situations where both spouses are bringing children into the family from another marriage, the distribution of wealth and assets becomes very complicated.
Estate planning and having a solid plan for the division of matrimonial property after divorce are essential to avoid fights later on. As part of our estate planning services, allow our team to guide you through the planning process and give you the peace of mind you seek.
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Consult With Our Team of Divorce and Estate Planning Lawyers
For guidance on how to best draft your will after a divorce, call our Calgary family and estate law firm. We will answer your questions and put a plan in place that achieves your goals.
To consult with a divorce and estate planning lawyer, call us toll-free at 877-563-5295. In Calgary, call 403-233-9300 or contact us online to book an appointment.