Divorce Balance

Balancing home and work in a complex asset divorce

It is no secret that divorces can be incredibly stressful. Maintaining healthy work is critical for overall financial well-being. Consistent income can be a factor in support and property division conflicts, particularly in a complex asset divorce. Here are some tips that Alberta workers and business owners can turn to when trying to find balance in their professional life during a trying personal time.

Maintaining boundaries between work and personal life can be critical in order to fully engage in work regardless of what is happening at home. Often, this means keeping an emotional support network outside of the office. While friendships at work are common, those going through a divorce should consider what steps they can take to leave certain personal issues at the front door when they come to work.

Time management is also important to consider. While it would be ideal to do all divorce-related things after hours, the reality is that quick replies and daytime appointments are sometimes necessary. If possible, keep a running list throughout the day if divorce-related things come to mind, then set aside some time in the day, such as a lunch break, to quickly go through them. This will improve productivity while still allowing things to move quickly and smoothly in the divorce process. Separate calendars for work and divorce management can also be effective.

Finally, those divorcing should be sure to communicate work-related constraints, travel or blackout dates to their lawyer. This allows the lawyer to make arrangement for important steps without too much back and forth about availability. Working with an Alberta lawyer who understands work and availability constraints is important, especially in a complex asset divorce where there may be many steps to take.

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