On behalf of Gary Kirk of Kirk Montoute Dawson LLP posted in Collaborative Law on Sunday, May 31, 2015. Alternative dispute resolution processes are recommended for divorcing spouses in Alberta because these processes tend to be the most cost-efficient, least adversarial way of ending a marriage or common law relationship. …
Are Alberta support payments tax deductible?
On behalf of Gary Kirk of Kirk Montoute Dawson LLP posted in Family Law on Saturday, May 23, 2015. When a written agreement or court order states that a parent is obligated to pay child support and spousal support, the law specifies that priority be given to the support for …
Can adult children in Alberta receive child support?
On behalf of Gary Kirk of Kirk Montoute Dawson LLP posted in Family Law on Saturday, May 9, 2015. Federal and provincial laws establish criteria for when an adult child is eligible for child support. Specifically, the Divorce Act states that if a child who is 18 or older is …
With no cohabitation agreement, common-law spouses may or may not have rights to property
On behalf of Gary Kirk of Kirk Montoute Dawson LLP posted in Family Law on Thursday, April 30, 2015. A cohabitation agreement can be an effective way for common-law spouses in Calgary to clarify their rights and obligations during the relationship and in the event that the relationship ends. Property …
How is child support calculated in Alberta?
On behalf of Gary Kirk of Kirk Montoute Dawson LLP posted in Family Law on Saturday, April 18, 2015. By law, children are entitled to support from both of their parents, and child support laws in Canada are guided by this principle. When parents separate or divorce, they can come …
Should I execute a new will after separation or divorce in Alberta?
On behalf of Gary Kirk of Kirk Montoute Dawson LLP posted in Family Law on Friday, April 10, 2015. When thinking of your estate planning goals, it is important to know that the law in Alberta does not automatically ensure that your children will receive your assets farther down the …
What factors are considered in Alberta spousal support decisions?
On behalf of Gary Kirk of Kirk Montoute Dawson LLP posted in Family Law on Sunday, March 15, 2015. The factors that must be considered when determining a fair spousal support arrangement are many and varied, and the agreements mediated between former partners vary a great deal. In general, though, …
Benefits of creating a prenuptial agreement
On behalf of Gary Kirk of Kirk Montoute Dawson LLP posted in Family Law on Sunday, March 8, 2015. Prenuptial agreements (often called marriage contracts) are increasingly popular in Alberta and throughout Canada. In general, people used to think that the decision to create a prenuptial agreement indicated that the …
How does arbitration work in Alberta family law disputes?
On behalf of Gary Kirk of Kirk Montoute Dawson LLP posted in Divorce Mediation on Sunday, March 1, 2015. The lawyers of Kirk Montoute Dawson LLP are experienced litigators, but our firm also helps families resolve their disputes outside of court. Litigation places the parties in opposition to one another, …
Alberta woman seeks guardianship of non-biological daughter
On behalf of Gary Kirk of Kirk Montoute Dawson LLP posted in Family Law on Saturday, February 21, 2015. Judges in Alberta make child custody and guardianship decisions based on the child’s best interests. While every case is different, it may be possible under certain circumstances for a person who …