December is typically the busiest (and most stressful) time at the Court. Even if you do not celebrate Christmas, children still have time off from school and it is common for families to depart from their regular parenting schedule. If you do not have a formal parenting plan in place …
Why do I need a Family Lawyer after separation?
Separating from a spouse or partner is no doubt one of the most difficult events someone will experience in their lives. The worries are endless and often include the well-being of children, how time with children will be structured, debt management, protection of assets, and what support will be paid …
Top 8 Ways to Waste Money on a Divorce Lawyer
The journey toward finalizing a divorce can be a treacherous one. The smart move is to have a qualified lawyer at your side as you work your way through all of the issues that can come with the end of your marriage. Either way, it won’t be easy. But here …
What is a Fair Divorce Settlement?
When a couple is getting divorced, you will often hear they are seeking a “fair” divorce settlement. The concept of a fair divorce settlement is not universal however, fairness is subjective. What may feel is fair to you may not be the same as what your former spouses feels is …
CO-PARENTS…What are you really prepared to do for your children
What would you do to ensure the safety and well-being of your children? If they were facing a significant health crisis, would you drive to the hospital every day? Would you drive to Edmonton every weekend for treatment? Would you sacrifice your career? Would you risk you own life for …
Adult Interdependent Partner Support – What support are unmarried parents entitled to?
Separated parents in Alberta may be entitled to receive support from the other, despite not having been married. Adult Interdependent Partner support, or support for a common law partner, can be a highly contentious issue as the payor typically feels that since they did not get married, they should not …
What is the ‘Rule of 65’?
Spousal support in Alberta can be a very complicated issue as there are multiple steps and considerations to determining appropriate support, one of which is the “Rule of 65”. The Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines provide guidance for how Courts in Alberta will determine whether a party is entitled to spousal …
Divorce Disaster Recovery: Getting Relief to the Victims
The Fault Line. The Earthquake. The Fall Out Using a natural disaster analogy to describe divorce may seem needlessly theatrical. The most fortunate couples who end their relationship will do so amicably, collaboratively and with minimal trauma. However, many spouses indeed experience the ending of a relationship as an unmitigated …
Gender Inequity in Family Law: The Men, The Myth, the Urban Legend
Family Lawyers regularly encounter male clients who feel preemptively aggrieved by the judicial system. Some men’s advocacy groups would have you believe that court decisions in Family Law are unjustly and favourably skewed toward women. That perception is not reality. Parenting Issues When couples with children separate, the two key …
Family Law Triage: Emergency Room or Operating Room?
In the medical community, “triage” is the assignment of degrees of urgency to injuries to decide the order of treatment. Lawyers and Judges conduct their own version of Family Law triage to prioritize and resolve separating couple’s issues. Within the scope of the usual Family Law issues of Parenting Time/Decision-making, …