THE 3 MOST EFFECTIVE WAYS TO RESOLVE FAMILY LAW DISPUTES…while avoiding the stress and expense of a lengthy court process.

Navigating a separation from a spouse or a partner is often stressful, painful and confusing.  There is often no end to the worries, including financial stress, concerns for children, and the desire to end the conflict without a war.  An important conclusion reached by many family law professionals, including lawyers, …

Rule of 65

What is the ‘Rule of 65’?

Spousal support in Alberta can be a very complicated issue as there are multiple steps and considerations to determining appropriate support, one of which is the “Rule of 65”.  The Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines provide guidance for how Courts in Alberta will determine whether a party is entitled to spousal …

Tips for Divorce

10 Tips for Dealing With Divorce & Family Law Matters

The complexity of Divorce and Family Law matters can be an overwhelming challenge for any spouse. Although lawyers and judges have seen almost every version and variation of a divorce, spouses experiencing it for the first time encounter a steep learning curve. It would be oversimplified to distill such an …

Divorce FAQs

Divorce FAQs: “The Only Stupid Question is the One Not Asked”

Ending a relationship is an extraordinarily difficult emotional decision. Mental health experts say that the divorce or separation grieving process is similar to that arising from the loss of a loved one. Even the legal consequences of that decision are not only trying, but sometimes traumatic.  Although there are ways …

High Conflict

High Conflict Divorce & Family Law

The legal and judicial systems in Alberta have admirably evolved in encouraging  parties to choose Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) forums such as Mediation, Arbitration, Collaborative Law and variations thereof. Ideally, any couple headed toward divorce will mutually opt for one of these paths of least resistance. They will attempt to …