Family Law

Family law: Staying together while miles apart

There is no one way to describe a family in the 21st century. The family dynamic can be as individual as the people making up the family unit. Legally, the family dynamic in Alberta is governed by family law, and there are certain criteria that need to be upheld like …

Child Support Guidelines for the Self-Employed

Divorced entrepreneurs who are on the line for paying child support need to know how that support should be calculated. Family law rules in Alberta say child support payments should be determined on the payor’s income, but that’s not always so easy to calculate for those who own businesses. A parent …

Costs: Who Bears the Burden at the End of Litigation

By Suzanne Fleming of Kirk Montoute Dawson LLP posted in Family Law on Thursday, February 7, 2019. When Family law goes to litigation it can be a lengthy and drawn out process. Although it can be a relief when your matter is resolved, that relief can quickly dissipate knowing you …