One of the reasons people in Alberta hear such negative things about the divorce courts is because many people who go through the typical divorce or separation process are unhappy with the orders or judgments issued by the Courts. Whether they think they should get a larger portion of property, …
It is important for spouses to declare all assets during divorce
Divorce is nearly always stressful. Anyone who has gone through a divorce or separation in Calgary knows that trying to negotiate a settlement with a soon-to-be ex-spouse can be difficult. From trying to determine child custody to arranging child support to dividing matrimonial property, coming to an agreement in such …
Social media and divorce
Social media has taken the world by storm and is now a primary form of communication. It can also play a role in family court when a dispute arises. Some parents in Alberta may be able to utilize social media content to prove that they have attempted to communicate with …
When Does Child Support End in Alberta?
Our Family Law clients often ask whether child support terminates automatically when children turn 18. The Divorce Act states that child support shall be paid for so long as a child who is over the age of 18 years of age is unable to obtain the necessaries of life. The Family …
A Quick Review of Dower Rights in Alberta
A confusing topic in Family Law is the issue of dower rights, often mis-described as “dowry rights”. Failure to deal with dower rights after separation can result in unexpected and expensive consequences. Dower rights are a left-over from English law imported into Canada at Confederation. Originally, the concept of dower provided …