Whether your separation is amicable or adversarial, you are well served to obtain advice from an experienced family law lawyer who can help to guide you through the process. Unfortunately, the legal fees that come with retaining a lawyer can often impede the progress of one’s case. While it is …
Can Children Choose Which Parent to Live With?
Children will sometimes want to choose which parent to live with or express a preference for residing with one parent over the other. For a variety of reasons, the children do not get to choose which parent they live with but their preferences may be considered. Ultimately, if the parents …
Will Quitting Your Job Reduce Child Support?
Can you quit your job to reduce child support obligations? After all, child support (and spousal support) are based off of your gross income so a lower income results in lower support. Why work long hours at a stressful job when you can only work part-time or move to that …
What are Section 7 Expenses?
Many people are familiar with child support. You can calculate it on the Government of Canada website and you simply pay the number that it gives you. However, what the Government of Canada website does not give you is a calculation to be used for the payment of Section 7 …
What is an Uncontested Divorce?
A divorce can arise in many ways, sometimes both parties agree to separate and sometimes one party asks to separate to the surprise of the other. Whether or not both parties actually want to get a divorce, if one party is seeking a divorce, they are able to apply for …
What is child support?
Many people know what child support is; it is the money you are forced to pay your ex every month. However, there is a bit more to child support than that. Child support is financial support that is paid between the parents so the children can live a lifestyle commensurate …
What is Shared Parenting?
People often assume shared parenting is when each parent has a week on/week off rotation with the children. However, this is not necessarily the case. In Alberta, shared parenting is when each parent has the children between 40% and 60% of the time. One-week rotations with the children does qualify …
Being social media smart during a family law dispute
Many people have the habit of sharing family moments and inner thoughts through social media channels. This can seem like a harmless way to keep in touch, but during a family law dispute, posting the wrong thing online can have dire consequences. In general, Alberta parents should be very careful when using social media …
Managing the Family Business in Divorce Mediation
Many people are aware of common divorce issues like child custody, spousal support and the fate of the family home. But, for the many married couples who own and operate a business together in Alberta, the fate of the family business can be one of the hardest things to tackle in divorce mediation. There …
Finding family law solutions when there are child abuse concerns
Child abuse is a very challenging issue to navigate. Finding family law solutions in a situation where a parent or someone in the household is suspected of abusive behaviour can be particularly unsettling and legally contentious for all involved. Those who are accused of abuse, or those who suspect abuse …